My big boy turned 2 yesterday. we had a fun day except that the cardinals lost the super bowl. they still did me proud making it to the big game. anyway, here is a little bit about andon.
*andon has the cutest smile. it is so cheesy.
*his favorite two words to say are beebee (sippy) and teetee (blanky)
*andon's favorite toys are balls.
*his favorite movie is high school musical 1 & 2 (yes he can watch these movies over and over again.)
*his favorite food is bread
*andon loves to play and wrestle with his daddy and sometimes me
*andon loves his big sister (nenna) and little brother. (baby)
andon likes to be like kelton cute
andon's birthday... all day you ask him how old he is and he would say "two", real cute