Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Batter Up

john has been anxious to get andon a bat and ball to play with so the other night we went to target and got andon a bat and some balls. lesson one began that night and john tried to show and teach mikenna and andon how to bat. it was so funny to watch them play.

andon pretty much just liked to throw the balls the most... and there were balls flying every where all night


The Moore Family said...

Cute daddies with their boys! and tomboys!

Gates & Tausha said...

you guys ALWAYS have fun ideas to do while at home...so fun!!!

Kass said...

I forsee many hours of baseball watching in your future! What a Ball!

Jami said...

Seeing the big screen tv in the middle of all the baseball action made me a little nervous... It'll be daddy's fault if it gets hit, right? HA HA.

Becca said...

What a fun time. I love watching kids play and have fun, especially with dad. Hope nothing got broke or knocked over. But, as Pres. Monson says, not to worry about that stuff, they grow up way too fast.

hdawgy said...

How fun for the kids! I'm sure they loved it!

Anny said...

Oh, this is just the beginning! I remember when we bought Zack's 1st baseball set and tee. He was Andons age, I thought he would never get it! Sounds like a fun night!

Stefany Pew said...

Hey....I need your address! Jodi needs it so she can send you an invitation for her wedding. Email it to me! Thanks!!!