Friday, May 1, 2009

Jam Friday

today my mom and i continued our yearly tradition of making jam in april when strawberries are in season.  i didn't get a lot of good pictures because my kids were not cooperating during the process but we were able to do 6 batches.

here is my fridge full of berries before we started....
washing the strawberries and cutting off the stems...
andon sitting by the yummy prepared strawberries that he enjoyed snatching here and there...
mom mixing the jam...
me and my jars of jam. we had lots of fun and enjoyed spending the afternoon together.


Anny said...

Yea you did it! It is so easy and to die for! You go girl!

Becca said...

I know it is hard work, esspecially with kids, but it is soooo worth it when it's all said and done. I'm so glad you are keeping up with the tradition.

Julene said...

Good for you! I love to see mothers teaching daughters such wonderful and warm skills...and it's not about the jam! It's the memories you're making as you create! Love you!

Kass said...

I love that we are all going to be set for the year with our freezer jam! Mmmm. . .so worth the effort and fun to spend time working in the kitchen with the ones you love!

Rachel & Bobby said...

Hey so now I am back to my blog. I'm glad we got to see you last week. It was so fun having you here. I can't believe your children cut their hair!?! Crazy kids...and I hope you made it home alive with all those carseats and such.


Well, the jam is definitely a family tradition which started when Joy was a little girl in her home. So glad that it is being carried on in our family!