Friday, June 12, 2009

The Lake

Earlier this week we went to the lake. it was so much fun. there was a sand area and out a little ways into the water there was a floating wood platform to jump off. this kids had a blast.

john and andon
my sister janell and her nanny caressa
troy, laura,  and mason... he didn't like the water
me and kelton... i think part of the reason we had so much fun was that our kids were really good.
janell, laura, and me... just laying out 
out on the platform, we played 500. basically john and troy were on shore and threw the football out to us and we raced to get it. we had so much fun and we probably looked like dorks out there but oh well.

john and the kids
andon and saywer laying in a puddle of water


Laura said...

That was so much fun! I am so excited to go again. We better invite mom and dad next time. From now on no more putting swimsuit pictures of me on your blog. not a good sight.

Jaimi said...

500 is totally something my family would do. (: I'm so sad, I'm missing a trip to Lake Powell with them next week. I love going to the lake.

Unknown said...

This was so much fun! By the way Kimmy, thanks for getting the pictures approved by the picture committee, Laura, Caressa and I!!!! We will have to do this again.

Becca said...

LOVE the pictures, and girls, you don't look bad in those swim suits, I was just thinking how great you all look.