Thursday, October 23, 2008

#8 Tag

8 Favorite Shows I Like to Watch
*prison break (hot brothers)
*the hills
*american idol
*saved by the bell re-runs
*iron chef america
*suite life of zack and cody

8 Favorite Restaurants
*texas road house
*5 and diner (turkey club and root beer milkshake)
*chinese (lemon chicken and chicken fried rice)
*peter piper pizza
*cold stone

8 Things I Did Yesterday
*i made homemade pancakes for breakfast
* i did 4 loads of laundry
*i unpacked our suitcases from our trip
*i took 2 naps totaling 2 and 1/2 hours
*i watched high school musical and high school musical 2 with my kids
*i changed about 10 diapers between my two boys
*i cleaned the kitchen
*i made lots of phone calls for visiting teaching

8 Things I Look Forward To
*thanksgiving (favorite holiday... lots of yummy food)
*day after thanksgiving (favorite day of the year.... lots of shopping)
*mikenna starting school next year
*my mom to move here to texas
*kelton's blessing
*moving out of this apartment and into a house
*raising my kids everyday

8 Things On My Wish List
*my house in peoria would sell
*i had more time to scrapbook
*i had no debt
*i had 72 hour kits for my family
*mikenna would sleep in her room all night and not be in my room every night
*john's family will get to hear the discussions someday
*my boys will go on missions
*all my kids will marry in the temple

Tagged: Laura, Janell, Jessica, Becca, Anny, Kass, and Brock


Becca said...

This is my third tag...I better get going. It sure was good to see you, John and those darling kids. It was way too short. You guys look GREAT. Glad we're blogging:)

Stefany Pew said...

Fun tag! It's fun to read up on everyone's favorites. I got to see you Grandma the other night at Jodi's bridal shower. She never changes! I love her!!!

Anny said...

Alright. This is my second tag today, so it'll be fun. I love learning about people. You are so cute.