Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tomorrow is the Big Day

it is tuesday night and about 9 pm and i finally have a minute to do a quick blog to reflect my last nine months of pregnancy. 

when did i find out i was pregnant? january 11

what were my feelings when i found out? well, i was excited because i always enjoy being pregnant and i knew it could happen but i was a bit nervous when i realized that andon was not even one yet and the two would be only 19 months apart. i didn't tell john for like three days.

was i sick? yes, it was a very annoying sickness because it lasted all day long and so it was hard to enjoy doing anything, and everything about this pregnancy was harder because i had two kids at home to take care of.

what was the best day of my pregnancy? the day i found out i was having a boy. i wanted a boy so bad and was so afraid that i was going to have a girl. when the nurse said, "that is a penis, it's a boy" i was so relieved and could not be happier. and i really wanted a boy because the baby and andon would be close in age a boy would be perfect for him.

how much weight did i gain? 33 pounds

what were some of my cravings? chocolate milk, ice cream, candy, wheat thins, and frozen grapes

what are my most recent cravings? pancakes with peanut butter and syrup and soda

what are my feelings about tomorrow? i am excited to have a new baby and to hear that first cry and see that full head of hair. the miracle of birth still amazes me and i cant wait to see my new son. i am a little nervous because going into surgery is always a little scary but i trust my doctor and know that everything will be okay. i will be in a new hospital and am wondering how this experience will be. but besides all the mixed feelings, john gave me a blessing so i know that i will be taken care of and that me and the baby will be fine.

just a few last pictures before i lose all my pregnant curves!!! 


Jenny said...

Funny, I have been downing chocolate milk lately. It must be a pregnancy thing. Bry just asked if you were having a boy or a girl and I said boy. He said, "Well at least someone is having them!" Oh and we love that you have chosen to be a BYU Cougar fan. Your shirt the the perfect blue! Go Cougs!!! Oh, and good luck tomorrow! Much Love!

The Moore Family said...

Kim, congrats in advance special friend! I can't wait to see pictures of the little cutie pants! You will do perfectly I am sure.

Laura said...

I wish I could be there!!! I will be thinking of you all day and waiting for that phone call. I can't wait to see him. Love you guys!!

Jaimi said...

I'll be watching your blog constantly for the official announcement and pictures. Good luck! Wish I was close by to help with the kids.

Becca said...

I'm so glad you posted the day before you went in. You look soooo good for being 9 months preg. I hope things go great, and I'll be thinking of you too, all day tomorrow. Good Luck! We Love you, can't wait to hear what his name will be:)

p.s. I craved those gross McDonald hamburgers when prego w/ Sammy and Olive Garden Soup, Salad, and bread sticks (To Go of coarse) with Maren.

Unknown said...

I will be there on Sat to help you and move in to my house. It will be crazy but a heck of a lot of fun! Can't wait to see you and my new little nephew Baby Drew!!! HAHA
That was for John!!!!!

Kim and Nathan said...

I'll be thinking of you today. Cant wait to talk to you. Good luck.

Jami said...

Kim, you're so smart to write down all of your pregnancy details. I so wish I would have done all of that. Especially since my 3 kids are so close in age, I get them all mixed up. It's all like one big, long pregnancy. HA HA.

And it's a great thing you love being pregnant because your little guy sure loves you being pregnant too! I don't think he wants to leave his mommy's warm belly since you'll be full term TOMORROW! I'm seriously in shock everytime I come to your page and he hasn't come out yet. But today's his big debut! What an exciting time for you and John! Get the Lansonoh ready, he's coming! HA HA. :0)

Heather said...

Yeah-- congratulations Kim and John

Wilson Family said...

oh shoot i totally meant to call you yesturday!!!...i stink and i'm sorry! i will anxiously be awaiting a blog update as well so hurry up!!

and speaking of cougar blue did you give john my message about the name he wants being a BYU football player??


Joy called me today and said that John had e-mailed that it was a girl!! She thought it was a joke but I told her we might have to give your new baby things to Jessica!! So glad that Kelton Lane is here and and you are both doing well. Very good of you to give us one last blog on this great pregnancy! So happy for all of you! Grandma W.

Julene said...

Hello little mama...I hope everything went well and I'll look forward to some pictures. Kiss that sweet little baby head for me! Love, Julene

Kass said...

That was a great post! I love your cravings & the honesty about things being much harder during pregnancy when you're taking care of other little ones. That is the truth. You look adorable! Congrats & can't wait for pictures!

Anny said...

Congratulations! I'm reading this post after I heard your little boy was born! Grandma let me know and I am so excited for you! Good luck with the next few weeks, or maybe months, I guess I should say years! You're awesome, I can't wait to see pictures!!!

Gates & Tausha said...

AHHHH Kim!!! I purposely scrolled past the top post so I can feel the anticipation in THIS post before I see the pics!!! so neat for jon to give you a blessing...VERY cool idea to log feelings down about this!!!