Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm Still Here

hello everyone i am still alive and here.  i know i haven't blogged in a month but it has been a weird month. moving is very strange and takes a lot of change which i am still getting used to.  i am finally settled though and ready to get bloggin again all the time.  so for a little catch up, my mother in law came and visited me for a week while john was out of town, and here are some things we did.  we went to the kids discovery center and it was way cool. they had three rooms full of stuff to do. we could have easily spent all day there. 
here is andon, mikenna, and my mother-in-law irene hiding in the cave.
there was an area that was like a hospital baby nursury. i decided to try and get andon used to a new baby and he didn't like it to well.
mikenna, on the other hand, did everything for her baby like a little mother. i guess i know what to look forward to in a few months.
andon enjoyed these blocks a lot 
this was a highlight of the place. the kids are in the back of an ambulence. i couldn't get andon away from it.
three monsters in space
the kids liked the big dinosaur. there was a tunnel behind this to walk through and it was pretty cool.
mikenna was taking control of the ship
andon had no real interest in the ship's wheel
me and the kids at the top of the tunnel
here we are at the zoo. apparantly i didn't too many pictures but we did see lots of animals and the kids had fun

these last two pictures are of the kids playing  with a ball on the grass.  nothing special just thought i would blog them since i had them.


Jaimi said...

I'm glad your mom-in-law came to visit. In my opinion, the first few months are the hardest adjustment period. It gets easier I promise and soon you'll have family close by.
Thanks for the update!

Wilson Family said...

yea!! we missed you! looks like there is plenty to do there and i'm amazed you could go to the zoo (i thought it was just as hot there) wish we could go to the zoo here....

keep the updates coming. and what do you mean "when the baby comes in a few months"??!? girl we are down to weeks!

Becca said...

So glad you are back. I haven't even moved and have been too busy to blog. (plus my internet has been down for a few days) Looks like you are keeping yourself busy and exploring your new territory. So excited to see all the new adventures your family will have. (especially the one with the newest member:) )

hdawgy said...

Wow that looks like a fun place for kids! I'm glad you are finally settled and back to blogging! haha I bet that was nice to have your mother in law there with you while John was gone!

Anny said...

Looks like an awesome place, can't wait to go there either! Your kids are so cute. This time, Blake asked "Where is my elephant?" So next time will you please provide a picture of an elephant! LOL.
Glad you are settled in and back to blogging. We missed you!

Gates & Tausha said...

so fun in texas already!!! i'm sure the adjusting will take time though! (oh ps, bro mcknight in my ward brought up jon's name on sunday...he had said how peoria stake cuts chickens heads off on the trek...anyway...) i hope you're feeling comfy and homey there soon!!

Kass said...

Looks like you've moved to a fun, kid-friendly place. It is hard to get adjusted to all the changes. Always takes at least a year for me, but then I love the new place! You will love it too, especially when the rest of the fam gets there.