Friday, April 10, 2009

Big Boy Kelton

kelton is a week away from turning 7 months and he is doing new things everyday. 

the other day i was in the kitchen talking on the phone and i turned around to see him standing up like this. i screamed because i was so shocked. i cant believe he pulled himself up already.  but then he started to wine because he couldn't get down.

one afternoon i went in to get kelton after he woke up from his nap and he was sitting up in his crib. he was so happy when he saw me come in. well then i ran to get my camera so i could get a picture and he started to cry because i left. `
later that day when he woke up i brought my camera with me so i could get a picture of him being happy when i came in and he was.


Jessica said...

He is soo cute! I can't wait to see you and the kids!!!

p.s- Braxton has the exact same baby jungle animals quilt/blanket!! He sleeps on it everynight

Becca said...

What a cutie!!! He is getting so big. What a big milestone to be standing already. Miss ya!

spider_webbs said...

Wow! Varden doesn't even sit up by himself yet! Look out for the first step! Keep that camera ready.